Resources Backup


  • Mental Illness (Cause-Effect Civil/Criminal Violations of Cluster B Disorders),
  • Overcrowded Civil Courts,
  • Professional Malpractice (blue & white-collar crimes),
  • Failure of Policing of Criminal Matters by Incorrectly Reporting them as Civil Matters  in  need of Lawyers and Costly,  Non-effective or Manipulated Civil Remedies that Perpetuate Cycle of Victimization,
  • Professions That Fail to Self-regulate,
  • Public Naivety, Denial, Apathy, Lack of Unity and Coordinated Solution Driven Corrective Measures,
  • No or Lack of Consequences for Initial & Repeat Offenders.


  • Citizen to Citizen (C2C) Reporting & Alerts,
  • Collective Education & Unity,
  • Preemptive Technological Resources,
  • Legislative Reforms & Increased Mandatory MH Counseling,
  • Specialized Courts & Greater Freedom for Court of Public Opinion/Public Policy & Public Monitoring, Citizen Posting of Perpetrator Alerts with Evidence,
  • Creative Consequences for Offenders Such as Their Paying Full Compen-sation Directly To All Thier Victims, Increased Taxes to Alleviate Burdens they Consistently Perpetrate on Tax Payers. Incarceration is only a solution after all else fails.

Citizen to Citizen RESOURCES

C2C Educational Resources, Communities & Technology

  • Educational Portholes,
  • Grassroots Non-profit Websites,
  • Community Forums,
  • Victim/Advocate Videos,
  • Citizen Safety Maps â„¢ ,
  • Aegis Reports â„¢,
  • Sherlock AI â„¢,
  • WhistleField â„¢.
  • WhistleCloud â„¢,
  • WhistleDrive â„¢.

To insure domestic Tranquility,


Federal Acts, Laws, Regulations, Agencies & Contacts

  • Code of Federal Regulations,
  • Dept. Of Justice Resources,
  • SSA Resources,
  • FCC Regulations,
  • InfraGard,
  • ABA Resources.

provide for the common defense,


State Boards to File Complaints & Public Representative Contacts

  • Statutory Law & Code,
  • State Vulnerable Person Agency's,
  • State Professional Regulatory Boards,
  • State Bar Associations,
  • State Medical Boards.

Documentation and Advice To File More Effective Complaints & What to Expect.

promote the general Welfare,